Tsilimos, Dolesh and Peña, LLC dedicates its practice to helping people who have been injured in Ohio. Our attorneys have also assisted injury victims in Pennsylvania, Michigan, and Indiana. We keep our firm small so we can focus our time and efforts on each client matter and provide a valuable personal service. We believe that clients achieve the best results when they can speak freely with their attorneys and create a relationship of trust. We know that trust is earned not given, and it is our goal to earn the trust and confidence of every client and create a winning formula for every case. For this reason, many of our former clients recommend our firm to their friends and family. Whether a claim involves skillful pre-suit negotiation or creative litigation, our clients know that their team of attorneys at TDP Law Firm is always working to get them the compensation they deserve for their injuries.
The attorneys at the TDP Lawfirm have decades of combined experience in representing clients in a variety of legal arenas. When you work with the TDP Lawfirm, you can count on receiving the full attention of its attorneys working to solve your legal problem.
Our bilingual attorneys also provide a full range of legal services to the Spanish speaking and Chinese speaking communities.

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Albert Peña
Mr. Peña has represented more than a thousand accident victims, defended the wrongfully accused, and has seen first-hand the injustices that big insurance companies and police institutions foist upon those that cannot afford even the most basic representation. Mr. Peña aggressively fights for the rights of people who need it the most because he comes from humble roots and knows the impact that even a small victory can have in the lives of those he represents.
Born and raised in South Bronx, New York, Mr. Peña was born to Dominican parents who immigrated to the United States in search of better opportunities. Growing up in the inner city and the poorest borough of New York City, Mr. Peña witnessed first-hand the
devastating effects that poverty can have on individual human rights and basic dignity. After working for a large New York municipal bond firm and as a trial preparation associate at the New York County District Attorney’s Office, Mr. Peña discovered that his true calling was not work for these institutions, but rather to work for the people who had been marginalized by these very same institutions. These early experiences led Mr. Peña toward a career as a plaintiff’s attorney.
In pursuit of his calling, Mr. Peña won the United States President’s award for academic achievement, attended undergraduate school on scholarship at the College of Mount St. Vincent in Riverdale, N.Y., and pursued his law degree from the Cleveland Marshall College of Law, where he was a student Senator and President of the Hispanic Law Student’s Association (HLSA). During law school, he saw the unvarnished, inner workings of the justice system as a clerk to judges and magistrates in the Cleveland Municipal Court and continued his commitment to helping his community by working at the Spanish American Committee of Cleveland.
Since his admission to the bar, Mr. Peña has been an advocate for injury victims and continues to serve in many civic capacities. He acts as an advisory committee member for the Northeast Ohio Regional Sewer District Advisory Committee (NEORSD) and is vice president of the board of directors for the Hispanic Urban Minority Alcoholism and Drug Abuse Outreach Program (Hispanic UMADAOP). Mr. Peña’s civic engagement has also helped him foster relationships with the non-profit organizations Esperanza and the Hispanic Alliance.
Mr. Peña speaks fluent Spanish giving him the ability to resolve his clients' dilemmas in two languages. Mr. Peña lives in downtown Cleveland with his fiancé who practices social work.
Jonathan S. Tsilimos
Mr. Tsilimos practiced with large insurance and defense firms before taking up personal injury and small business work a decade ago.
He has substantial experience in a wide range of practice areas, including medical malpractice, business litigation, wrongful death, motor vehicle and motorcycle accidents, and business counsel.

Joshua M. Dolesh
Mr. Dolesh is a Cleveland native who graduated from the Cleveland Marshall College of Law with high honors in 2005. Since then, he has built his practice representing injured people.
Throughout his years of practice, Mr. Dolesh has expanded his practice to include employment discrimination and business representation. Mr. Dolesh not only considers the legal aspects of each client’s case, but takes pride in educating clients and reducing the stress that comes with involvement in the legal process.
Emily Stolfer
Emily Stolfer is an alum of Cleveland-Marshall College of Law. Originally from Ashtabula, Ohio, Emily has been in the Cleveland area since her undergraduate education at John Carroll University. There Emily studied communication and political science. During her time at John Carroll, she developed her love for advocacy and debate through her policy debate team, which she continues to help. Emily continued that love at Cleveland-Marshall through her extracurricular activities, Frederick Douglass Moot Court and the Cleveland State Law Review.
Emily and her partner won Best Respondent Brief in her region for 2016 and 2017, along with winning the

regional competition in 2017. In 2016, Emily and her partner were one of the top four teams in the Nation for the Frederick Douglass Moot Court Competition. In 2017, Emily and her partner won the National Championship with a unanimous vote from the judges in the final round. Emily continues to help coach the Frederick Douglass Moot Court team. Emily also was an associate editor for the Cleveland State Law Review and has published her article on Bioprospecting with the Law Review.
Emily’s prior legal experience includes subrogation with Rathbone Group, insurance defense with Ankuda, Stadler, & Moeller, and corporate law through her externship with Eaton Corporation. Emily’s experience throughout the years has prepared her to give that same amount of dedication to her clients every step of the way.

Isam Muntaser
Mr. Muntaser is an alum of Cleveland-Marshall College of Law and licensed in Ohio. As a son of immigrants, Mr. Muntaser has a strong work ethic that is second nature to him. He is the oldest of five siblings and worked full time in a Cleveland family business while obtaining his bachelor’s degree. With a father from Palestine and a mother from Venezuela, he understands diverse perspectives that clients may require.
Mr. Muntaser’s legal experience is well rounded. Throughout law school he clerked in the public sector at the Cuyahoga County Prosecutor’s Office and The General Counsel Office of Cleveland State University. After that he shifted to civil litigation helping injured clients and continues to do so at TDP law firm.
Outside of the legal world, Mr. Muntaser developed effective communication and people skills through work and volunteering experiences. Specifically, his background in helping run a family business which has given him strengths in customer service and the ability to pick up on social contexts. Furthermore, he can speak Arabic as a second language. These traits are naturally suitable for our clientele where communication is so important.
When you hire the TDP Law Firm to represent you, you not only get a wealth of experience in personal injury representation, but you also get the benefit of our attorneys’ years of relationship building in the legal community. At TDP Law Firm, we work with other firms regularly to expand our knowledge in many different aspects of law practice. If we believe that we cannot provide you our best representation for your particular legal claim, we are always happy to recommend another to firm assist you.

1 Eagle Valley Court, Suite 201
Broadview Heights, OH 44147, USA
Phone (440) 252-5420
Fax (216) 352-4275
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The content on this website is not legal advice and is not intended to be legal advice. Every legal claim is different, and you should seek the advice of an attorney regarding your legal rights. You may contact us through this website, but your communication to us does not create an attorney-client relationship.